The Bloody Eyed Jordan!

I am a 90's kid that only loves 90s stuff and anything made in anytime other then the 90's is terrible! That said, I really liked one thing. B-BALL! I used to watch Micheal Jordan play all the time! When I wasn't watching Mecheul Jordan play, I was watching The Golden Girls and Yu-Gi-Oh and Loonay tunez! I really liked The Golden Girls but that has nothing to do with this story! Loonaye Toons was my least favorite of the three shows but I still enjoyed it. So when I heard their was going to be a movie about, micheayl jardon, and, the, lonaylmao tanz. I was so hype! I would watch every trailer, look at every poster, and even saved up so I could take me and my stuffed animals to the movie (I say stuffed animals because I don't have real friends ;-;)! But sadly my mom burned all of my money that I saved up because her and my dad believed dat the loonaye toons was evil n had spooky scary monsterz in it! So I never got to see it in the moviez! But later in my 20z when I was in colledge, I saw da movie on VHS n I waz leik "IT IZ TIME!" so I got the movie from da Biglotz n da lady waz leik "R U SURE U WANT DIS? I MEAN WE HAVE OTHER STUFF N SPACE JAM WAS A SUCKY MOVIE SOOOOOOOOO" She said. "SHUT UR FACE" I yelled at her as I slapped her and ran out of the store with the VHS screaming "DA POPO CAN'T CONTROL MEH!". I returned to my dorm and my roomm8 was sitting down in a chair. She was there and he said "Hi do you have the movie?" heshe asked. "Ye gurl. I am ready to get this party started!" I said to him. We popped in the VHS and the movie started. All of the sudden I hear a knock on the door and a deep voice chanting words. I slam open the door and it turned out to be the pizza man listening and singing along to heavy metal music. I ate the pizza and gave none of it to my roomm8 because he is fat and she is on a dyeit so ye. When da movie started playing it didn't start normal, instead it showed michealuedgdehe jordon and he had blood on his eyez n he was eating rabbit! "IT MUST BE A HACKED COPY" I said as I laughed with my female roomm8. "LOL YE" He replyedededed. But den bobby jordan said "ur next alan" (BTW ALAN IZ MEH NAME FORGOT 2 TELL) and i waz so scared and my sister roomm8 ran out of da room. "I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE" He screamed as he ran. n den raman came out of the screen and I ate it because raman tastes good. BUT THEN JORDAN CAME OUT OF THE SCREEN AND I WAS SPOOKT! I SCREAMED AND TRIED TO RUN OUT THE DOOR BUT IT WAS NO USE! JORDAN HAD LOCKED THE DOORS WITH HIS B-BALL POWERZ! "COME ON AND SLAM!" JORDAN SAID AS HE RAN UP TO ME WITH A B-BALL! HE SLAMMED ME WITH THE B-BALL AND SCREAMED "AND WELCOME 2 DA JAM" I WAS ON DA FLOOR BLOODING N DEN MY ROOMM8 CAME UP TO ME BUT HE WAS DIED AND I DIED SO NOW WE BOTH DIED BUT JORDAN WAS SKELETON N DEN HE WAS GIANT POTATO AND THEN MY ROOMM8 BECAME A ROCK STAR AND WE PLAYED MUSIC TOGETHER BUT I DIED AND THEN SHE DIED AND WE DIED 2GETHER AND SPACE JAM KILLED THE WORLD AND I DIED AND BLOOD AND THEN THERE WAZ BLOOD AND IT WAS REAL BLOOD AND I DIED AND THEN I WROTE THIS STORY THE END!